
  1. Q4 Overflow Error - error caused by overflow past maximum value possibly represented by bits.
  2. Q15 Did not notice >= in Program B since Program A only had >. Therefore both programs yield the same results.
  3. Q39 C is correct since the list [i] must be added to the sum to represent the new sum before 1 is added to i.
  4. Q40 Certificate authorities - verifies validity of encryption keys rather than website safety.
  5. Q50 Reasonable Time Algorithms - running an algorithm that accesses n elements n times each is considered reasonable time.
  6. Q51 Misclick I think? Knew this answer - can indicate legal uses of creator’s work
  7. Q56 Version II calls for “GetPrediction” twice per element while Version I calls it once per element, effectively decreasing the time needed to run.

Some of these mistakes are obvious in retrospect, but it is part of the process in getting better for the future.

Topics I did not know

  • Certificate authorities
  • Reasonable time algorithms

The distribution of my scores was quite expected, as the things I earned lower scores on were team teaches we had not yet done by the time I completed that portion of the test. For example, in Safe Computing and Legal and Ethical Concerns, I got 2/3 of the questions correct for each. I scored relatively well on all the other topics covered in the exam.

Compared to the last practice test we took, I did significantly better. Previously, I earned a 47/66 while this time I earned a 60/67, which is a notable improvement. With more practice especially in the more recent topics, I will be able to improve further even past multiple-choice questions. In the first practice exam I did not use the internet since I wanted this to be a good comparison for keeping track of improvement.

Next time, I will attempt to finish the test as I would in the actual AP exam with the time I would be allocated then. I will aim for the best I can, and I hope to improve further.