My Team

Overall, a lot of people ended up being interested in our project, which is called “Let ‘Em Cook!” Here is a quick overview of the features:

  • Sandbox - Drag and drop from inventory into ‘oven’ for combining
  • Baking - Fetch the recipe from the backend to create a dessert, add points for each recipe found
  • Shop - Ingredient organization with opportunity to buy with gained points
  • Leaderboard - Orders the users with most points to least points
  • Trading - Allows exchanging ingredients and recipes with friends


I think our feature was overall appealing to the eye and had easy navigation between features. It has a smooth drag and drop mechanism that makes for easy combinations for recipes. The integration wokrs well– the features all work based on the same database. The Baking and Sandbox feature work hand-in-hand for the main activity in the game. The shop allows purchasing ingredients with points to add to the inventory used in the sandbox. The points are earned through making more combinations and the more points a user earns, the higher the position on the leaderboard. The leaderboard uses point statistics from different users, and those users are connected by incorporating a ‘friend’ system allowing them to trade recipes.


As for what we can improve on, some of the ingredient icon displays did not show up on the sandbox/baking page. The lack of ingredient labels also made it difficult for users to know what ingredients they were using in their creations. We also did not include instructions in a place where users would be able to access and understand without admin.

Other CSP Projects I Saw

  • Game Dashboard

It seems overall like a site that nicely organizes different popular games for users’ enjoyment. I like that it includees choices for what to play.

Features From Other Subjects (AP Studio Art)

  • Creation made from paper, ink, watercolor, colored pencils, paint markers, and cutouts

I liked that it was very expressive of the postmodern age of art and uses a creative combination of mediums. It was a varying show of facial expressions and emotion and its representative shape/pattern.