Brainwrite ideation


Backend: Trevor, Hanlun, Aditya Frontend: Aditya, Lakshanya, Matthew DevOps: Matthew, Hanlun

Overall idea

A combination-oriented game heavily inspired by Little Alchemy but WITH FOOD! This project is specializing in baking goods Maybe a shop where you get points for making food items, which you can use to buy new ingredients??

Login Page

Using the POST Method to create a user Updating the Users with PUT whenever we need to save what recipes they have created Password hashing and storing in the backend for security purposes Frontend Drag the elements into the Tools: Oven, Stove, Knife, Rolling Default Ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Eggs,


Store each user’s password and username Store each user’s # of recipes, and which ingredients they have on their Store friendliest Allow transfer of ingredients between users via messages Store the recipe tree/the combinations you need for each food item


Baking Make a frontend block with slots to put ingredients + a bake button in order to “cook” the ingredients Have a dictionary on the backend with a list of ingredients as the key, and an object(pts, name, and image) as the value Whenever button clicked, get value from the dictionary that corresponds to the list of ingredients, then display the image, name, and add the points onto the user’s points Use pts for each user (stored in user db) to buy ingredients that we can use Leaderboard: Use data from backend in order to create leaderboard for recipes unlocked/points or other things Friendslist/Trading: Be able to trade with other users, Create text box, in which user inputs the user they want to share the recipe with, then have a share button Share button changes the recipe list for that user On each user’s frontend, constantly make requests to the server, and once the length of the list of recipes changes, display a popup, “you’ve been shared the recipe for [recipe]!” Crowdsourcing: Give options to players to choose which new recipes will be added to the game

Work distribution:

Aditya: Sandbox List of ingredients from backend Frontend to display icons for ingredients/recipes Trevor: Trading Send temporary link which updates the backend Database of users to select from so that they can send Reward collaboration between users Add to point system on the database Matthew: Leaderboard Use userdb in order to grab all user’s data from backend Use javascript in frontend to sort and display info in table format Hanlun: Baking Make dictionary with key as list of ingredients, then value of the object(pts,name,image) Devops for baking backend, use dom in order to make little icons in order to display successful recipes Lakshanya: Shop Use points from backend, subtract points from backend when buying things Make a frontend with icons for buying ingredients, with price/name


Login page to store user data and recipes

Milestone Goals

Week 1:

Create Sandbox

List of Ingredients: Flour, egg, sugar, sugar: cookie Butter, butter, flour, egg: croissant Flour, flour, egg, butter: bread Coca, coca, flour, sugar: brownie Coca, flour, sugar, sugar: